Wellness Care

We’re there for all stages of your pet’s life.


Proper wellness care starts early in your pet’s life.

When you bring a new furry family member home, it’s important to schedule them for a wellness exam to get them on a proper wellness and care plan. We’ll be there every step of the way to ensure your pet is getting the proper care.

Proper wellness care doesn’t just mean getting a shot or a vaccine every time we email. It’s a lifestyle that includes vaccines, diet, lifestyle, and proper full body exams for your pet. These examinations may help our veterinarians diagnose, treat, or prevent illnesses before they become life-threatening. Major health changes can occur in a short amount of time, so it is important to recognize even subtle changes. Some of the reasons we may recommend a health exam include: limping, changes in urination (colour, frequency, accidents), changes in eating/drinking habits, behavioural problems, excessive itching, discharge from eyes, head shaking, and many other concerns.

We focus on parasite prevention, too!

Prevention always costs less than treatment! Ridding a pet and home from fleas can cost hundreds to thousands of dollars and can be nearly impossible to get rid of as flea eggs can survive for a very long time. Like fleas, ticks can carry a number of different diseases that affect dogs and cats, can be very damaging to a pet’s health, and can be very costly to treat. The staff at Highlands Pet Hospital will work with you to set up the best flea and tick preventive plan for your pets. We’ll ensure they have the protection they need, and nothing more. They’ll be happy you did it.